Saturday, February 22, 2014


Thursday, Feb 20 and Friday, Feb 21, Day 31 & 32

As we approached Auckland by car, we did identify several of the 48 volcanic cones (including Mt. Eden and One Tree Hill) that help define the unique landscape of this "city of sails." After checking in and playing our new favorite game with the Sisselmans- Who has the better room? (we did again, but only by two drawers) - we went out for a "wander" around the harbour. 

Our very young, very inexperienced concierge decided Wildfire was just right for us, and we found ourselves at a Brazilian barbecue -reservation under the name "Sisselberg." Not kidding, the first course of meat offered to us was chicken hearts. Now, you can pretty much give me any part of the chicken and I'll eat that sucker, but the heart? Just, no. We soothed our overstuffed bellies with gelato and vowed to do better the next time. (And happily, we did.)

The next day, we set out by ferry for Waiheke Island, known as "the island of wine." Those of you who know my love for motion, and especially rocking boats, can appreciate the workout my accupressure wristbands are getting. (I was fine on this one!) We were joined by an Aucklander online friend of mine with whom I'd skyped and chatted but never met in person, so it was a highlight for me to spend time with Sandy. She is a born and bred New Zealander, with a hearty laugh and a beautiful cheerful demeanor, which came in handy when our "moderate hike" around the cliffs turned into a rather vertical experience.

On the way, the five of us encountered a new form of wildlife known as the "big ass cicada." (That is not the technical name, but when they start flying at you and nearly denting your head, you'll see why they are thusly named.) And they are LOUD! Anywho, walked for about an hour and a half straight uphill until we came to Cable Bay Vineyard, where we stopped for a nice tasting and interesting lunch. Sandy regaled us with stories about her family and their livestock, how sheep are shorn, pigs run away, and children don't have to wear shoes to school until they're in Middle School. Lunch was yummy, but Larry decided definitively that he is not a fan of John Dory. Don't worry, he is not going hungry. We feed him every two hours and many, many almonds have given their lives in the name of keeping the guy going. If you know Larry, you know what I mean. Speaking of dinner, we ate at the Soul Bar along the viaduct, a highlight. Everyone else had the grouper (hapuku) and I tried the red snapper with some kind of green papaya salad. YUM!

Friday, Sandy met us again and we set out to see the funkier neighborhoods of the city, ending up on Ponsonby and Parnell, where we did a bit of shopping and gallery hopping while Steven and Larry debated Keynesian theory and other light topics as they carried our ever-increasing burdens with their usual good cheer. Even so, Karen decided Steven needed a go-around with the leather flyswatter and "bumsmacker" (Children, please look away from the screen!)

We enjoyed an amazing Polynesian lunch at Blue Breeze--the highlight of which was the pan-fried paddle crabs in some kind of yummy black bean sauce. Finger-lickin' GOOD!

Sandy left us at the Sky Tower, where we watched a couple bungy jumpers before taking the lift up to the 51st floor (and later to the 60th) to see the 360 views of the city. 

For those of you who can't tell, that's me up there! Here's a closer view...

No, that's not me. SERIOUSLY?? Have you met me? 

The most dangerous thing I did at the Sky Tower was pile into an elevator with too many people who didn't smell too good by the end of the day (and looking at Karen's face was not a good idea at that point!). I believe Steven was actually wishing he'd taken the bungy down instead. On the way back to our hotel, we passed two M&M's being chased by two girls in trench coats. We're thinking it was a commercial, or else these kiwis just have a different kind of fun!

My friend Sandy brought her family back into town for dinner, and Larry and I got to meet her adorable son, daughter and husband. Truly a highlight of the trip for me! Today, her daughter painted this lovely picture of me, and I'll end the Auckland post with that. 

See you all at Kauri Cliffs, our LAST (15th) hotel before heading home on our Monday to arrive on your Monday. SO very hard to believe our long-awaited trip is coming to an end. By the same token, it feels as though we've been away forever.

The Sisselbergs (via Beth)

1 comment:

  1. The food,hiking and sites are all amazing ...Love to have a bite of the crab in some kind of black bean sauce!!
    Love to all,
