Saturday, February 1, 2014


Thursday, Jan 30   Day 10
Kangaroo Island to Barossa Valley

Flew back to Adelaide on the 20-minute puddle jumper with the same overly enthusiastic flight attendant who took us there. This time, everyone was sure not to miss the silver platter of fruit mentos as she sprinted through the cabin.

We picked up our Toyota Prado in Adelaide and let Steven have a go of driving on the left hand side of the road. He was kind of a pro from his time in London and really had no trouble staying on the correct side of the road but had the turn signals confused with the windshield wipers, which made all our turns super exciting! (And Larry wasn't any better when his turn came along!) It's amazing how many times four sober people can laugh at the same thing, but I bet if you think about it for a second, you'll giggle too.

It was about one hundred million degrees in the Barossa Valley, and we were no happier about it than the grapes wilting on the vines. We checked into the's the view of the beautiful Barossa Valley from our back door...

^^A couple of cute guys posing for me

Here's a jolly magpie checking things out. They're all over the place, but they're cool looking and jolly!

And here's our little shared front patio. If you could scratch 'n' sniff, you'd smell the very strong scent of lavendar lining the walkways.

After a quick walk across the scorching street, we had ourselves some nice tastes at Tscharke Vineyard's cellar door. 

The Goodmans are back to share this part of our trip, and the six of us had a delicious (and very loud) dinner at the Louise, enjoying lobster and lamb and a Chardonnay that actually might have been better than Yellow Tail (Maverick).

Here's Peter, the sommelier, no doubt being impressed by our palates.

Brekky the next morning was served on each of our individual back patios (the Goodmans would be located next to the outdoor shower none of us were jealous of, nope, not at all). The setting was lovely but the food was not our favorite. They put hot milk in our press pot and forgot the coffee (blech) and I decided I'm not a huge fan of quince.With the Valley registering 107 degrees fahrenheit and a few of us noticing those grapes don't grow on flat ground, we ditched our bike plans in favor of the Toyota. I got to sit up front with our very cute driver (aka my husband) so I didn't really notice that the "air con" wasn't quite reaching the way back. Oops!

We learned even more about wines, visiting the Rockford vineyard first (they're famous for their shiraz, as are most of the vineyards here, but the taster lady was quick to point out they have many other varietals that are unique, including a bubbly shiraz we will be enjoying back home!  Our hay spittoon grew quite colorful as the afternoon wore on. (looks a bit like spaghetti with marinara, doesn't it?

After a terrific lunch in an unexpected out of the way pub called Wanera, we visited our hands-down favorite, the Two Hands vineyard. Not just because we got to sit down in an air conditioned space, and not just because the pourer was extremely entertaining, and not even because he fed us some yummy bread along with not one but TWO fantastic ports (yes, we shipped some of that home, too), but because they make a wine called Sexy Beast, and here's MY sexy beast modeling it for you.

The last tasting was not our best work. I'm pretty sure I nodded off for most of the reds, but Larry woke me up for the taste of the $900 cab, which was worth it, even if Andy dumped half of his in the spittoon. ANOTHER OOPS!

After a full day, our designated driver got us back to Adelaide, where we had a WONDERFUL paella dinner served by an Italian-Australian cutie named Ernesto whose dimples can be seen from outer space. We all retired early at the Sebel Playford for our 4:30 AM meet-up in the lobby. On to the Great Barrier Reef!

Thanks to all of you for reading the blog and sending us messages. It's hard being in such a different time zone so we're loving the little communiques! XOXO from the Goodsisselbergs (via Beth)

1 comment:

  1. I'm just lumping aboard now and am wondering when Mark and I will have a chance to travel downunder. Reading this, during a blizzard/snow day and trying to imagine what 107 feels like while tasting wine! Yikes and wow!
