Friday, January 12, 2024

DAYS 1 - 3: GETTING THERE (aka hurry up and wait)

Thursday, Jan 4 thru Saturday, Jan 6, Days 1-3

HURRY UP AND WAIT (and worry)

Reunited at Boston Logan Airport, the four of us Sisselbergs were all smiles before the first leg of our trip to Dallas. We even snapped this beautiful photo of the beginning of sunset. 

But somewhere over Tennessee ---we learned we had an ISSUE with the third leg of our trip (a very tight connection we were wisely advised against by our savvy travel agent Kash but chose to ignore). Long story short, flight #2 was delayed just long enough to make the airline automatically rebook our third leg to a later flight WITHOUT TELLING US and we were going to miss our connection to Lizard Island!

Now before you go and say, "Big deal- take the next flight to Lizard," you need to know those flights to LI are 12-seaters and they're booked out months in advance. So it was either make our scheduled flight or miss out on visiting the Great Barrier Reef (basically, our core reason for making the whole trip).

Well, thanks to our amazing pilot (and some help from a favorable wind), we landed in Sydney with time to rebook our flights and get ourselves to that connecting flight . . .
Jeffrey's rainbow on Jan 6

And that is how we found ourselves midair in our LI transfer flight on January 6, Jeffrey's birthday, when this happened just outside our window.

So I leave you now at our arrival at Lizard Island, where Karen will take over our saga.

Chris and Clint take us in for a smooth ride -
and an expert landing.

Approaching Lizard Island from the south

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